Welcome to what can be a life changing online experience.
As you browse through this site, we encourage you to patiently discover the power and impact of Motiv-8 For Change International, a high impact social skill agency which is totally dedicated to the social and moral rebuilding and empowerment of individuals, families and communities.
The original and unique concepts and strategies espoused and presented by us are specifically designed and geared to drastically reduce: Disrespectful confrontations, impulsive reactions, crime, violence, compulsive behavior and negative habits, while equipping hurt, traumatized and broken individuals with the inspiration, motivation and strategies to rise up and achieve phenomenal success.

A Leader in Sustainable Crime Reduction
With the ability to interface with foreign cultures, behaviors and experiences in real time on personal devices, a copycat syndrome is constantly downloading the anti-social viruses of big city crimes at an exponentially alarming rate, in local smaller territories. This phenomenon is seriously damaging the good repute of even what used to be some of the most peaceful and friendly countries, while sending their governments helplessly wringing their hands in search of solutions.
As a social change agency, we at Motiv-8 For Change International could not sit idly by and let what seem to be the inevitable continue. Therefore, in 2015, with our solution-oriented mandate, we sprang into action to design and copyright the “EDER© Approach” - a four dimensional blueprint for sustainable crime reduction at a local and national level.
This cutting edge approach showcases the need for addressing crime and violence from four distinct angles yet presents such a synchronized framework that if utilized well, is guaranteed to produce a significant reduction in crime and violence.
E-Enforcement (exposes our primary, secondary and tertiary levels of enforcement and shows how delinquent enforcers can begin a downward slide in the life of an individual that can land them into a life of chronic criminality)
D-Diagnosis (shows the need for finding and seriously medicating the underlying social dysfunctions that feed criminal behavior)
E-Education (presents a captivating and high impact process of re-educating and re-training individuals prone to criminality to achieve a different attitude, behavior and lifestyle)
R-Rehabilitation (showcases the crucial need to successfully rehabilitate incarcerated inmates, so as turn “menaces into mentors,” thus breaking the cycle of recidivism while utilizing them as community mentors to steer others from a life of crime)
If you are seriously looking for solutions to stem the rising tide of crime, violence and homicides in your community and are willing to invest time and resources, you have found the answer you need!!
Please note that the following programs all feed into our EDER© Approach and are our prescriptions to break the cycle of crime in the lives of individuals while equipping them with the tools to achieve and maintain a life of phenomenal success.