
“Project STOP ‘n’ THINK” (PSAT)

Anger and Impulse Control

This series of 12 high impact social skill sessions are specifically designed to address:

  • Disrespectful Confrontations

  • Quick Impulsive Behavior

  • Uncontrolled Anger

  • Crime and Violence

  • Bad Decisions that can result in bitter, irreversible and lifelong consequences.

The Delay Cognitive Response Mode Strategy presented is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach which introduces our copyrighted slogan “Always STOP and THINK before you PROCEED” in such a simple yet so profound way that it can be understood, helpful and relevant from the playgrounds of grade schools where bullying and fights happen to the boardrooms of corporate offices where embezzlement and national embarrassment and unexpected job termination and forced resignations occur.

 This full line of engaging and captivating sessions has been the catalyst of change for thousands and has initiated the social rebuilding of individuals and communities across three continents.

To reinforce the concept, we have developed and published a “Project STOP and THINK” (PSAT) Decision Making Kit which comprises:

  • Our Internationally recognized PSAT Poster (meant to introduce and remind individuals of the concept)

  • The PSAT Workbook (which parents and teachers can use for sustaining the concept in homes and schools)

  • PSAT Textbook “Respect Due” (written to help readers understand the impact of respect/disrespect on actions, reactions and decisions)

  • PSAT Tee-Shirt (meant to be worn proudly, exhibiting the individual’s decision to “Always STOP and THINK before PROCEEDING” while creating a community buzz of the slogan)

Usually culminating in a spectacular ‘Project STOP ‘n’ THINK” community graduation and anti-violence march, “Project STOP ‘n’ THINK” has made a national impact in many countries as thousands take to the streets to display their resolve to live a crime free life while encouraging others to join them in their commitment. 

Let your home, school, community center, sports club, church, mosque, temple, synagogue, business and corporation benefit from this powerful preventive program that can save people’s freedom, health, job, dream, money and lives, while empowering them with the keys to live a life of phenomenal success.

To learn more, please contact us.